3-A Sanitary Standards Overview

Global O-Ring and Seal supplies o-rings compliant with 3-A Sanitary Standards for equipment related to the production and processing of dairy. 3-A Sanitary Standards was established by the United States food and dairy industries to enact policies regarding the production and use of sanitary equipment. 3-A o-rings adhere to the 3-A Standard 18-03, pertaining to multi-use rubber and rubber-like materials that are both approved to come in contact with dairy equipment surfaces as well as cleaning products for dairy equipment. 3-A Standards are recognized and followed on an international level.

O-Ring Compounds Meeting 3-A Sanitary Standards

Below are the rubber o-ring compounds we supply, certified to 3-A Sanitary Standards.

Our 3-A Sanitary Standard products meet FDA requirements but if you require more information, please give us a call at 832-448-5550 or fill out the Product Inquiry form to confirm your request is being met.

Product Inquiry

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