NF T 47-501 Metric O-Rings

NFT 47-501 is issued by the Association Française de Normalisation (French Standards Institute). It is very similar to ISO 3601-1 in both the sizes included and the size reference. The size reference codes are designated with a letter corresponding to each of 5 cross section groups (A-E), 4 digits indicating ID (rounded to 0.1 mm), a 2nd letter indicating Precision Class and a 3rd letter indicating Visual (inspection) Class. The Precision Class is indicated by the letter A (for Aerospace applications) or G (for General Purpose applications). The visual classes are N (1.0 AQL) and S (.65 AQL).

For a complete listing of all metric o-ring sizes, visit our Metric O-Ring Cross Reference Table.


NF T 47-501 Size Chart

Global Part # Reference C/S (MM) I.D. (MM) C/S (Inch) I.D. (Inch)