Update: Thursday, August 27th, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Hurricane Laura made landfall last night slightly east of the TX/LA border which spared Houston. Our friends in southern Louisiana were not as fortunate. Our hearts go out to all of the businesses and families who were and are still being impacted by the storm.

Global O-Ring resumed operations at 10 AM CST today. We will be working hard to ship out as many orders as we can today and get back on schedule. Fortunately, there doesn’t appear to be much disruption with the carriers (UPS and FedEx). If any customers have urgent orders that need to ship today, please confirm with your sales rep.

Update: Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 at 9:45 AM

Hurricane Laura is expected to make landfall tonight around midnight near the border between Texas and Louisiana. This means that Houston is outside the cone that will take the brunt of the storm, but we should still expect to see downed trees and sporadic to widespread power outages due to heavy winds.

For the latest update on the path of the hurricane and what to expect for Houston, check out https://spacecityweather.com/

We will be closing early at 4pm today (Wednesday, 8/26) and delaying our opening tomorrow (Thursday, 8/27) until 10am to give our employees extra time to prepare and then time to assess in the morning. If the situation is worse than expected, we will publish updates here and on the status bar of our homepage.

Please note that shipping times may be impacted. If you have a critical order that must ship today or tomorrow, please communicate with your sales rep. Additionally, even if we prepare your shipment and hand it to the carrier on-time, there may be service interruptions from UPS and FedEx due to the storm.

We hope all of our employees and our customers will stay safe during this storm, and our hearts and prayers go out to our neighbors along the TX/LA coast. For those directly impacted, please reach out to us to let us know if there’s anything we can do to help and support you in the aftermath of this storm.

– Brian DeSpain, President

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